More recipes

Spanish cuisine offers an almost infinite number of options. Try our complete range of products and surprise yourself. The taste is in the variety.

Salami filled mushrooms

Unsure about what dish to serve? Every dinner guest will find this delicious. Make it a little more filling by simply adding a little goat's cheese to the chopped mix.

Fuet and roquette pesto canapé

A very simple recipe, ideal for serving as an appetiser or finger food. It has the everyday flavour of fuet with a delicate touch of refinement from the roquette. No one will be able to say your cooking lacks ideas!

Salchichon montadito with roasted peppers and brie

An easy and quick recipe to surprise any palate. Give each montadito a finishing touch by serving with a mix of different lettuces: round, cos, oak leaf, etc.

Patatas revolconas with chorizo

This Castilian plateau dish is both tasty and filling. Give it a smoother consistency by simply adding a little stock to the potato and peppers in the bread.

Mini chorizo pizzas

The advantage of this type of recipe is that you can chop and change the main ingredient. Chorizo, loin, salami, ham or fuet. You are onto a winner whatever you choose! Who can really resist a pizza?.

Ajoblanco with loin slices and grapes

This very popular cold soup from Andalusia and Extremadura will be just the tonic whenever you get that summery feeling. Adding the loin makes it a real delicacy despite its humble beginnings.

Ham and melon brochettes

A simple and filling dish that can be prepared whenever this summer fruit is available. Refreshing, light and nutritional, this melon and ham combination is tasty and appetising.

Pa amb tomaca and fuet

An ideal starter for any time of the year and it couldn't be any easier to prepare. Try using special bread, like rustic bread or bread with seeds. It will add a little more flavour!